Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Upcoming: Rites of Ascension II

A few people have been asking me about Rites of Ascension II.

First of all, I have to say THANK YOU to all of you who have read The Path of the Sword. I hope you enjoyed it. For those of you who haven't read it, here's the link on Amazon. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge).

Now, enough shilling. Back to the original question. Book two of the Rites of Ascension trilogy, tentatively called Blood of War, is close. I've finished the third draft (or is it the fourth? It's all a blur) and it's now in the hands of the proof-readers. Once they've finished giving me feedback (read: tearing it to pieces), I'll revise it one last time.

Then it's just the last details.

So, in answer to the question: It's still tentative (as you can probably tell by the lack of an exact date) but if everything goes well, I'm hoping for mid- to late August.

Of course, the closer it gets, the better I'll be able to narrow it down for you. I'll post it here first.

Thanks again to all of you! Cheers!


  1. Patiently awaiting, however not so patient! Just finished book one, and left wth many questions... I need answers!

  2. It's coming, I promise.
    Proofreaders are almost done with it. The reaction so far is extremely positive (so it seems the story doesn't suck...)
    I'm told I missed a few typos and grammatical errors though so I'll take a little time to fix those up.
    I think by mid to late July, I'll be able to post an actual (though tentative--gotta cover the bases) release date.

  3. Just read book 1. Excellent. Look forward to #2!

  4. Just read the first and second books. Excellent! I loved them. Just wanted to know when the next book is gonna be out?

  5. Well...to be honest...I'm not sure. :/

    Never fear; I'm working on it. I want to make sure the story comes out right so I've taken a short break. I'm thinking things through (I'm letting the thing percolate), and it's working! I've already had one or two epiphanies about the story. It's about half done; realistically, I'm thinking March(ish). In the meantime, I'm playing with an idea for a satire. I hope it comes out because I love the idea.

    I will, of course, mention here any news on Rites of Ascension 3.

    Thanks for reading!

  6. Any news on you Book 3 Remi. I can't wait!

  7. Well...
    Now that there's becoming the question du jour.

    I was expecting it to be done in January, for crying out loud. I even told a few people to look for it around the beginning of February.


    All I can say is I'm sorry. I'm working on it. It's taking me a lot longer than I thought it would. Longer than it should.

    But I do have the majority of it done now. It's getting there.

    I won't tell anyone what happens (even my lovely Cori has no idea--and she has been bugging me almost daily for a look) but I will say I think there are some surprises in store...

    Thanks all for your kind words and, most definitely, your patience!


  8. Thank you for your prompt response. I know the wait will be worth it. Keep up the good work.
